Gallery of Work

Exhibitions and Me

In this gallery of work. A new beginning. Long gone is the pottery. But. Not the images that tumble constantly through the mind. When an idea, sets you thinking  of walking through a door into a studio in the past, there has to be a way to look at everything again.  I looked at a tumble of things on storage shelves saved from my past life, not forgotten just not put to use in a long time. Then, I looked at another collection of materials from another set of storage shelves, another life and another studio.  More than a bit contemplation or imagination was needed. But. Instead of a -no longer accessible -studio of pottery type things, how about a studio full of fabric type things?  I would like to say that I chucked myself into the fray with gay abandon. Regrettably no. For a while all that I could do was look at the accumulated wealth of materials in my care and hope I could do it justice.




Sometimes it takes a while… then when the -obvious- penny drops you feel like a total idiot. All that’s needed is a change of medium. Instead of building from clay I could build from fabric. Tea pots wouldn’t work very well but I never made many tea pots. And. Anyway if flights of fancy are to be followed there are many, many other things to go in search of. Boxes,  now there’s a thought, there could be a world in a box, possibilities are endless. Who can say what’s in a box before it’s opened.


You may, as you go along on this page, notice that there is a trend of the work being square. It’s possibly a simple way to begin. More circular events do come along and there are even one or two efforts of a six sided nature. I’m not going to go into deep explanations, of reasons why shapes were chosen, if you have come this far with me I doubt they are needed. One thing that may be if interest to you though is why certain fabrics were chosen. In some cases it was the colour, as in the purple boxes with the embroidered flowers, an idea of a garden at twilight. A colour for a mood. Or, just a bit of fabric caught my eye or imagination or worked it’s way into a certain style.

Below are the images from an Exhibition in May 2022,